応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター – 京都大学大学院文学研究科・文学部 https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp 研究科・学部・附属施設紹介、入試情報や研究プロジェクトの案内。 Thu, 01 May 2014 07:33:08 +0000 ja hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 CAPEレクチャー:Ruud ter Meulen氏講演会 https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/cape%e3%83%ac%e3%82%af%e3%83%81%e3%83%a3%e3%83%bc%ef%bc%9aruud-ter-meulen%e6%b0%8f%e8%ac%9b%e6%bc%94%e4%bc%9a/ Thu, 01 May 2014 07:33:08 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=23226
日時:2014年4月30日 15:00-16:30


講師:Ruud ter Meulen (Professor of Ethics in Medicine , Bristol University)


テーマ: ‘How decent is a ‘decent’ minimum of health care?’ 

アジア研究教育ユニット 公開セミナー https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/%e3%82%a2%e3%82%b8%e3%82%a2%e7%a0%94%e7%a9%b6%e6%95%99%e8%82%b2%e3%83%a6%e3%83%8b%e3%83%83%e3%83%88-%e5%85%ac%e9%96%8b%e3%82%bb%e3%83%9f%e3%83%8a%e3%83%bc/ Thu, 01 May 2014 07:24:58 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=23223
 Prof. Mark Sideritz (Seoul National University)

April 14   (MON),  2014  14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

1.Physicalism and Consciousness: classical Indian and current perspectives on the problem of phenomenality Physicalism is the view that reality is wholly physical in nature. While physicalism is widely accepted by philosophers today, it was rejected by almost all classical Indian philosophers. A major challenge for physicalists is to explain the phenomenal character of conscious mental states–the fact that there is something it is like for the subject to be in a conscious state such as the state of smelling a rose. While Indian Buddhists are not physicalists, their doctrine of non-self gives them a reason to reject the appeal to phenomenality as an objection to physicalism. This presentation will explore some facets of the current debate over physicalism as well as the classical Indian debate over the self, and some ways in which the two debates are connected.


April 21   (MON),  2014  14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

2. Self-Representation Theories of Consciousness Suppose we agreed that phenomenality is the hallmark of consciousness. What is it for a mental state to be a conscious state? One view is that all and only mental states that represent themselves are conscious. In this presentation we explore the self-representation approach and a related Indian Buddhist theory that claims every cognition must cognize itself. A difficulty for any self-representation view is that just as a fingertip cannot touch itself, so it seems a cognition should not be able to cognize itself. Are there ways a self-representation theory might get around this problem?


April 28   (MON),  2014  14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

3. Reductionist Alternatives to Self-Representation Reductionism about consciousness is the view that a conscious mental state just is some other sort of state, such as a brain state. It is widely agreed that the mind-brain identity theory–the theory that a mental state is identical with some brain state–must be rejected. But the Buddhist understanding of reductionism offers a way around this problem. This presentation explores some ways in which this and other Indian philosophical resources might be used to develop a physicalist alternative to the self-representation view.



(KUASU Meeting Room 257, Faculty of Letters East Bldg., Kyoto University)


Andrew Pickering 講演会 https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/andrew-pickering-%e8%ac%9b%e6%bc%94%e4%bc%9a/ Thu, 01 May 2014 07:14:00 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=23213 “Different Worlds: Cybernetics as a Nonmodern Paradigm”

5月50日(火曜日)@京都大学文学研究科 地下大会議室


【Andrew Pickering氏略歴】
英国エクセター大学教授。高エネルギー物理でPh.D.を取得後、科学社会学へ転 向し、科学技術論(Science and Technology Studies)における国際的なリーダー として活躍している。The Mangle of Practice: Time, Agency, and Science の 著者としても知られ、科学技術の哲学、歴史学、社会学、人類学などに多大な影 響を与えてきた。第二次世界大戦後の素粒子物理学、19世紀の科学と産業と 福祉など多岐にわたるテーマを扱っている。

本講演では、トーマス・クーン以降の科学論の展開を振り返りながら、著書 The Cybernetic Brain: Sketches of Another Future をもとに議論を展開す る。著書では、脳科学、複雑系理論、経営、政策、アート、教育、スピリチュア リティなどに及ぶ独特の形式としてサイバネティクスを分 析している。

企画運営:吉澤剛(大阪大学)・森田敦郎(大阪大学)・ 伊勢田哲治(京都大学)

Prof. Jay Garfieldセミナー https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/prof-jay-garfield%e3%82%bb%e3%83%9f%e3%83%8a%e3%83%bc-2/ Thu, 24 Apr 2014 08:31:57 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22922 Prof. Jay Garfieldセミナー(一回目)

Title: Buddhist Epistemology

April 7 (MON), 2014 14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

Abstract: Buddhist Pram—āṇa theory results in a conceptual landscape in
epistemology somewhat different from that of the West. We will examine
the nature of Pram—āṇa and the Buddhist debates about knowledge this
construct makes possible.

Prof. Jay Garfieldセミナー(二回目)

Title: Buddhist Logic and Philosophy of Language

April 10 (THU), 2014 14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

Abstract: Buddhist philosophers of language, guided by nominalism and a
suspicion of discursive practices, nonetheless wrote and spoke, and so
required a theory of meaning and of linguistic practice. This lecture will
examine Buddhist contributions to our understanding of language.


(KUASU Meeting Room 257,Faculty of Letters East Bldg.,Kyoto Unibersity)

CAPEセミナーProf. Michael Blome-Tillmann (McGill/Cambridge) https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/cape%e3%82%bb%e3%83%9f%e3%83%8a%e3%83%bcprof-michael-blome-tillmann-mcgillcambridge-2/ Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:24:51 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22227 CAPEセミナーProf. Michael Blome-Tillmann (McGill/Cambridge)
日時 2014年3月27日(木)午後4時半〜
場所 京都大学本部構内総合研究棟二号館南棟一階第10演習室
講演者 Prof. Michael Blome-Tillmann (McGill/Cambridge)
タイトル Solving the Moorean Puzzle
This talk addresses and aims to resolve an epistemological puzzle that has attracted much attention in the recent literature―namely, the puzzle arising from Moorean anti-sceptical reasoning and the phenomenon of transmission failure. I argue that an appealing account of Moorean reasoning can be given by distinguishing carefully between two subtly different ways of thinking about justification and evidence. Once the respective distinctions are in place we have a simple and straightforward way to model both the Wrightean position of transmission failure and the Moorean position of dogmatism. The approach developed in this article is, accordingly, ecumenical in that it allows us to embrace two positions that are widely considered to be incompatible. The paper further argues that the Moorean Puzzle can be resolved by noting the relevant distinctions and our insensitivity towards them: once we carefully tease apart the different senses of ‘justified’ and ‘evidence’ involved, the bewilderment caused by Moore’s anti-sceptical strategy subsides.
CAPEレクチャー:Jochen Vollmann氏講演会 https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/cape%e3%83%ac%e3%82%af%e3%83%81%e3%83%a3%e3%83%bc%ef%bc%9ajochen-vollmann%e6%b0%8f%e8%ac%9b%e6%bc%94%e4%bc%9a/ Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:16:23 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22225 CAPEレクチャー

日時: 2014年3月20日(木) 15:00-17:00
会場: 京都大学文学部 新館第一講義室

Jochen Vollmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum),
“Medical professionalism: assessing knowledge, skills and attitudes”
司会:児玉 聡


 なお、このレクチャーは平成25年度 科研費 基盤研究(B)課題番号 25284004「「組織の社会的責任」に関する哲学・倫理学的研究」(代表者: 水谷雅彦 京都大学)の一環として行われます。

A Workshop on Cultural Diversity and Moral Responsibility https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/a-workshop-on-cultural-diversity-and-moral-responsibility/ Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:04:24 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22223 A Workshop on Cultural Diversity and Moral Responsibility
( http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map6r_y.htm

Sommers氏は2012年に道徳的責任と自由意志をテーマとした著書 Relative Justice

13:00-14:30 Tamler Sommers (University of Houston)
Title: Moral Responsibility and Human Diversity
Contemporary philosophical theories of moral responsibility attempt to develop universal criteria for fair assignments of blame and praise.  The theories also appeal to intuition about key principles and cases to justify these criteria.   Consequently, theories of moral responsibility must make empirical assumptions about the universality or likely convergence of intuitions upon which their theories rely. This paper lays out an empirical and philosophical challenge to these assumptions. Drawing on research in anthropology, psychology, and evolutionary biology, I show that there are significant cross-cultural differences regarding the conditions for just assignments of moral responsibility.  I  argue that these differences are sufficiently deep and well-motivated to make it implausible that philosophical analysis, reflection, and dialogue could resolve them.  I conclude that cross-cultural variation raises serious problems for theories that propose universally applicable conditions for moral responsibility.  I call the resulting position ‘metaskepticism about moral responsibility’ because the challenge applies not only to positive accounts of moral responsibility, but also to skeptical theories which claim that human beings everywhere cannot deserve praise or blame for their actions.

14:30-14:45 break

14:45-15:30 Sho Yamaguchi (Kyoto University)
Title: The Problem of Honor Killing as Punishment

15:30-16:15 Taku Sasaki (Ritsumeikan University)
Title: Metaethics of Responsibility: Incoherentism and Normativity

16:15-16:30 break

16:30-18:00 Discussion


Prof. Jay Garfieldセミナー https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/prof-jay-garfield%e3%82%bb%e3%83%9f%e3%83%8a%e3%83%bc/ Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:40:47 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22220 Prof. Jay Garfieldセミナー(1日目)

Title: Buddhist Epistemology

April 7 (MON), 2014 14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

Abstract: Buddhist Pram—āṇa theory results in a conceptual landscape in
epistemology somewhat different from that of the West. We will examine
the nature of Pram—āṇa and the Buddhist debates about knowledge this
construct makes possible.

Prof. Jay Garfieldセミナー(2日目)

Title: Buddhist Logic and Philosophy of Language

April 10 (THU), 2014 14 : 45 ~ 16 : 15

Abstract: Buddhist philosophers of language, guided by nominalism and a
suspicion of discursive practices, nonetheless wrote and spoke, and so
required a theory of meaning and of linguistic practice. This lecture will
examine Buddhist contributions to our understanding of language.


(KUASU Meeting Room 257,Faculty of Letters East Bldg.,Kyoto Unibersity)

Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu氏講演会 https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/peter-shiu-hwa-tsu%e6%b0%8f%e8%ac%9b%e6%bc%94%e4%bc%9a/ Sat, 15 Mar 2014 10:49:16 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22076 日時: 2014年4月2日16時~
講演者 Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
タイトル:Reason Holism, Individuation and Embeddedness


According to Dancy’s holism of reason, moral reasons behave in a holistic way. By this, he means that a feature that is a moral reason in one context might not be so in another or might even be an opposite moral reason. Over the past few years, there has been an increasing consensus that although holism might be true of how some moral reasons behave, it is not true of how all reasons work. Nonetheless, Dancy attempted to stem the tide by recasting holism as a de re claim about how reasons behave in nature. Although his attempt is innovative and seems to have some going for it, I will argue that it ultimately fails. In my paper, I will argue that it is not entirely clear how this claim about nature can be cashed out and that even if it can be cashed out it still suffers from a problem of individuation. I will advocate what I call ‘the embedded thesis’ against Dancy’s holism of reason. According to the embedded thesis, the feature that serves as a reason in one context cannot be isolated from its embedded context. This, I suggest, provides a desiderata for theories of how reasons behave.


Keywords: Jonathan Dancy, Reason Holism, Individuation, Embeddedness



CAPEワークショップ「異議申し立ての諸形式についての倫理学的研究」第二回研究会 https://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cape/cape%e3%83%af%e3%83%bc%e3%82%af%e3%82%b7%e3%83%a7%e3%83%83%e3%83%97%e3%80%8c%e7%95%b0%e8%ad%b0%e7%94%b3%e3%81%97%e7%ab%8b%e3%81%a6%e3%81%ae%e8%ab%b8%e5%bd%a2%e5%bc%8f%e3%81%ab%e3%81%a4%e3%81%84/ Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:31:43 +0000 http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?p=22054 日時:2014年3月15日 14:00-17:00
場所:京都大学文学研究科 第一講義室



なお、この研究会は平成25年度 科研費 基盤研究(B)課題番号 25284004
「「組織の社会的責任」に関する哲学・倫理学的研究」(代表者: 水谷雅彦 京都大学)


