CAPEワークショップ:Workshop on Philosophy of Mathematics

『CAPEワークショップ:Workshop on Philosophy of Mathematics』

日時:/2015年6月22日(月) 16:00~18:00
場所:京都大学文学部文学部校舎1F 会議室 (No.8) )

Sebastien Gandon 
Title : Mathematical Knowing-How
In the recent literature on knowing-how, mathematical knowledge is always conceived as a kind of knowledge-that. In this talk, I challenge this assumption, and discuss the relation between knowing-how and knowing-that in mathematics. My aim is to suggest that the study of mathematical knowing-how could teach us something general on the relation between practical and theoretical knowledge.

Henri Galinon 
Title : A naturalistic defense of indispensability arguments for mathematical realism
It has been argued recently by Panza and Sereni that, for any clear notion of indispensability, either there are no conclusive argument for the thesis that mathematics is indispensable to science, or the notion of indispensability at hand does not support mathematical realism. In this presentation, I shall assess critically their argument and present a refined naturalistic defense of the indispensability argument for mathematical realism. 
